Hi Can anyone advice me the best tropical variety of grape vine and should be a disease tolerance too(Black Rot, Powdery Mildew)? karaan
There are many to choose from, however those that grow in the tropics are very difficult to obtain worldwide... ie indigenous species only... at what altitude? THE BEST ARE VINEFERA VARIETALS BUT THEY ARE GROWN AT HIGHER ELEVATIONS IN THE TROPICS... The Vinefera vine is the choice of wine makers, what is your intention? Most or all wine producing vines need care for disease and control of pests.... I suggest the following, know the growing conditions first, then request info from a myriad of sources, including the actual estate winery. And please let us know what is the purpose for wine, juice, table grapes, or for drying ?
Thanks Baron, My main purpose is for table and wine. I have seen some variety names like Concord, Mars Seedless, Steuben. Are these OK for my requirement?
If you wish to grow vinefera vines in the UK especially in suburban London, I would compare the varietals already in production at the nearby estsate winery. On the other hand, if the vine is to grow up against a s.w. rock wall, and receives direct all day sunshine with a favourable micro climate, you may have success growing many vinefera varietals... ie Marechal Foch, Riesling, Muscat, Verdelho, Gewurztraminer, Chardonnay, Malbec, Pinot Noir (marginal)... Also gogle your area for wineries, and inquire their success stories...
Great, you may get 2 or 3 crops a season... at what altitude? India has a burgeoning wine industry...I would then also consider the following.. Syrah, Petit Verdot, Cab. Sauvignion, Zinfandel, Rousanne, Tempranillo, Barbera, there are so many... Be sure to research what has succeeded and failed in SriLanka....at what elevation will you attempt this? The terrior will determine what you can successfully grow... tropical heat can be a difficult problem for wine makers...especially the high humidity....fungal deseases...
Grapes are grown up in the jaffna area in Sri Lanka. They will grow some V.vinifera cultivars. You might want to contact the loacal agriculture agencies that area for more info. Isabella is grape that performs well in tropical climates. These link might help you out as well http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/x6897e/x6897e06.htm http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/x6897e/x6897e00.HTM Hope this helps. Cheers Kim
Question: Is it possible to grow grapes in a hope garden. I live in Kenya and have a small home farm in the highlands. Am trying to grow various temperate fruits. I wouldn't mind trying grapes out. I have heard that there are some people growing grapes (some in green-houses). Don't know anything about growing grapes. Any info will be appreciated. The climate here is tropical to sub-tropical. Thanks
There are people growing grapes in your climate as well as temperate fruits. These links will help you. http://www.worldagroforestry.org/downloads/publications/PDFs/b15496.pdf http://www.unhabitat.org/content.asp?cid=3707&catid=510&typeid=24&subMenuId=0 You should have no trouble growing grapes there. Find out what is being grown locally there. Good luck Cheers
Thanks for the info. I have contacted some of the local agencies but people here seem unwilling to share information. I will do some more research on the net and then see how to go about it. Take care
Re: growing vines in kenya hi i am a farmer in kenya looking for information on gowing grape vines in kenya. (tropical climate) please help with info on how to start and what is needed. thanks.