Hi, how does Beni Otake compare to Hubbs Red Willow? If you had Beni Otake would you still get Hubbs Red Willow? Thank you
Hi @SLR2009, both so very very similar. I have Beni Otaki but would be just as happy if I had Hubbs Red Willow or vice versa. I would now 'not ' add Hubbs red willow to my collection to answer your question.
Hi @SLR2009 , I've added a photo of my Beni Otaki in Spring for you. It's very slender. Hope that helps a little more.
To me the 2 are quite different as the leaves of 'Beni otake' are much shorter and wider. The colors of 'Beni otake' in spring and summer are far superior but the fall effect of 'Hubbs Red Willow' is nicer. As far as if you need both I can't say, some comparative pictures below with 'Beni otake' first in each section. This rainy morning, looking east looking west cloudy a couple days ago fall
Hi @SLR2009, I don't have it myself but my friend has just purchased it. It looks a brighter red in his garden than my Beni Otaki and atm more like Hubbs red willow. @wind-borne photos earlier are a brilliant comparison tbh. His photography really does them justice.
Hi @SLR2009, another to consider is Enkan if you are still looking for a lovely red strapleaf. Red Pygmy is a good choice if room is a concern. I'll attach a couple of photos of my Red Pygmy for you. We do love this one tbh it glows in the sun.
@sun, I am responding in this thread rather than the other 2 threads where you, @Acerholic, and @LoverOfMaples are discussing Beni and Hubbs as spring and fall are already covered and here are some midsummer cloudy morning shots a couple minutes apart from similar angles. 'Beni otake' top 'Beni otake' left On the Hubbs half the coloring is similar with half or full day sun as shown with the foreground tree full sun and the tree in background half day.
@wind-borne thank you so much, that is really great that you show us the differences in the same garden.