Has anyone tried to get beneficial insects in British Columbia (Canada) to eliminate pests (IPM)? I am interested to try that but not sure what to order and where is a trustworthy place to order it from. Any suggestions?
The best you can do is to grow and setup your garden to attract beneficial insects. You CAN get a bunch of ladybugs shipped frozen to you and release them in the garden, but unless you prepared the area, there is a high chance they will all be gone by tomorrow. - Get wildflowers that attract Ladybugs, Bumblebees, Wasps, Laceflies and such - Grow plants like Lavender, Mint and Onion in between/around to create deterrence/distractions - Use Hydrogen Peroxide, Neem Oil, Organic soap, Cinnanom as a pre-emtive measure, don't wait until the problem is visible - If you own a backyard, then look into making friendly to native pollinators, theres a few Beekeeping Associations in BC. A native bumblebee kit is just a bunch of faggots of sticks that are arranged in a way that motivates local pollinators to house in.
Hi, I've asked Kevin, who's responsible for our nursery and greenhouses. He replied (and noted that we don't necessarily use all these, so I would say none of these should be taken as "official UBC recommendations", but rather guides for you to investigate on your own):
Hi Daniel, Thank you for going through the trouble of asking Kevin and thanks for the info. I will explore the options and do some research before making a decision. Thanks again
Hello again, I am looking for green lacewing larvae to use as beneficial insect indoors. I live in Port Moody BC. Any idea where I can get it from. I have looked on the websites provided by Kevin but none show they actually sell green lacewing or ship them to this area . Appreciate any tips you can provide. Thanks
Hi, You'll probably have better luck starting a new thread asking that specific question, so as to highlight it for anyone who browses by thread title instead of diving into a discussion like this one.
I'm not sure why you specify green lacewing. Applied Bio-Nomics (Nanaimo) lists a brown lacewing: www.appliedbio-nomics.com/products/micromus/ from the website link @Daniel provided in Post#5. "This brown lacewing is an exceptional predator." The site also lists wholesalers and retailers. Have you contacted The Bug Lady in Fort Langley?