I'm not much of a Gardner - live in an apartment. I've inherited my mother-in-laws Begonia's - three (3) plants each in a separate planter. I need advice - how to winter them? They are a bit neglected; Grandma had a fall and nobody thought to check her side garden. They seem healthy but it doesn't look like they bloomed this year. Any information much appreciated. Thanks Valerie Young Vancouver, B.C.
There are different kinds of begonias. Can you post a photo of the leaves and one of the plants? Will you be growing in pots on a balcony or what did you have in mind?
Wendy, thanks for the swift reply. I will take some pictures and post. Yes, my only option is to have them on my patio in pots.
Wendy, I have the pictures on the phone but I don't know how to get them on to this page. Next time my daughter comes by I will have her show me. In the meantime, should I cover them, move them under shelter etc.? Any information appreciated. Thanks.
We don't know yet if they're annuals or something you would want to save. In either event, you shouldn't have to do anything special before your daughter comes by, I'm assuming you mean in the next few days or weeks. Someone else is going to have to be the one to answer your actual questions.