This is my little Begonia that has bloomed constantly for a year and a half. In the dead of winter with 3 feet of snow on the ground she sets in this window with blooms on her. Is this "normal" for a Begonia to bloom constantly? Also why are her leaves turning brown and "crispy" on the edges? And what can I do to get rid of these brown areas? Thanks, Debi
The browning could be from dryness - I hope that's not a radiator it's sitting on! You need a humidity tray (vs saucer which can allow water back up into the pot and rot roots), wider than what you have now, with big stones in to hold pot away from the water you keep in the tray to humidity. Other than that, have you been watering more often lately, or changed fertilizers?
She is setting on a wooden ledge in front of the window. Actually I only put water in the saucer and it disappears on it's own. I give her a little more water during the summer (every other day) because she is usually full of blooms. The rest of the year she gets watered once a week. The fertilizer is the same......Miracle Grow. I have been waiting (for a year :=> ) for her to stop blooming so I can transplant into a larger pot. Debi