Beetle on Grape Vine There are three grape vines on the adjacent support which is 24 feet long. This pest was found on the Boco Noir vine. The Soverign Cornation and Concord were not attacked. I found about 25 pests eating the leaves. I physically removed them and sprayed them with malathion-about the only insecticide I have available. They didn't die immediately and showed no undue signs of stress so I squashed them. Only the Concord Vine is producing fruit this yeaar- second year. I would appreciate comments by others who have encountwred this unknown pest to me anyway. A name would be helpful if known.
Japanese Beetle - Popillia japonica. See this: Ralph
Many Thanks. Up to this time I assumed the Japanese Beele only attacked grass. They sure did a number on many leaves of the grape vines.
5 September 2007. Today I was talking to Parks Maintenance, and I was told that the Japanese Beetle was causing much damage to various trees and plants. Apparently Parks use traps, and the bucket usually has many beetles captured. This has been a hot, dry summer, probably an ideal climate for the beetles to propagate. They do much damage without control measures. I usually pick them off my grapes and raspberries and drop them in a can until they are destroyed. Apparently Severn pesticide is effective against his menace, but I refrain from using it if at all possible. The Japanese Beetle larvae destroy large patches of lawn in some years. Large patches turn brown. The grass is eaten off at the roots and the white larvae are just below the surface. The grass sod can be lifted not unlike removeing a wig. Re-seeding is necessary.
Seven is a mild insecticide, as insecticides go, and is labeled for use on many food products. - Millet