The UK, along with other countries, is not in favour of the ban saying that the evidence is "inconclusive". I am looking forward to the day when science and politics can come to a consensus which will benefit us all and our environment. In the mean time I will continue to garden with the insects in mind! Margaret
Fortunately, the UK (or rather, not the UK, but its chemicals-industry-poodle "environment minister" Owen Paterson) was outvoted on this one. The UK public as a whole is hugely in favour of a ban.
News not so good here: So everyone says 'Not my fault!' while the bees die. Great. How about some research into how to combat the Varroa destructor mite? Instead of pushing neonicotinoids---and no doubt they will be pushed in the US even more to make up for lost sales in the EU---how about developing a product to safely slay this deadly acarid?
Interesting update:
Is this the class imidichloropid is in? I probably spelled that wrong. Are there classes of plants which are wind pollinated vs insect pollinated? Or is it largely both?
Yes, extremely depressing news. The current UK government has one of the worst records for care of the environment of any in the last 50 years.
I disagree. After all, it is the U.S. that is creating and pursuing GMO's in the first place. Monsanto/Dow/Dupont are all US companies and have poisoned more of the world than any UK company. Most of the pesticide/chem companies are German, Swedish, US or otherwise. I don't know of any, specifically, that are from the UK (I'm sure there are some though). The most well-known thing that the UK is responsible for is destruction of the gulf coast and the ocean, we can thank (or no thanks) to BP for that one. This toxic treadmill will be stopped one way or the other, whether humans want it to or not.
Put that way, agreed. I guess I should've worded it a bit clearer, what I meant was "The current UK government has one of the worst records for care of the environment of any UK governments in the last 50 years" :-)
Anything from the mainstream that takes advertising money from the industry is bought and paid for. You don't have to read their lies to know that the way they systemically treat the plants affects the very pollen development itself and makes it toxic for bees to consume. They want to make it seem like it is just people using their toxic chemicals incorrectly, after all, they have a stake in it and don't want their profits to dip and they will spend millions of dollars on a deceit-campaign to continue making billions more. They don't care about life, in fact, they hate life if it doesn't make them money (just look at the same goons in Big Pharma/FDA attack non-patentable health remedies or supplements). They are going to maliciously lie to continue the status quo and the impacts from their products will continue to mount. Just like Monsanto has been found guilty of falsifying evidence about Agent Orange, these goons are no different. The Corruption and Denial runs deep in the U.S. Monopoly on Life.