Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Basil (Ocimum basilicum) 1 July 2008 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Basil with its aroma and flavor, is one of the most popular and widely grown herbs in the world. There are four plants in the garden. The flowering buds should be pinched off to encourage the plant to bush. A plant gets quite large at the end of the season. 20 July 2008 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) The four plants are producing more than can be utilized.
Basil grown in a large pot with premium potting soil & regular high nitrogen feedings has much higher yields than Basil planted out in the garden (even with fertilizer...soil temperature & moisture control is better managed in a pot). The slugs and earwig damage is also reduced in pot culture (especially for lettuce leaf Basil). I'm usually able to do a severe pruning mid-season to make a batch of pesto and repeating the process again in early October. If you only grow four plants, pot culture is the way to go!
Better than this? 20 July 2008 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) The four plants are producing more than can be utilized.
Ummm, yes. :-) Yours are doing pretty well though. I switched to basil pot culture 3 years ago & have been very happy with ease of care and increased vigour. I've been using A LOT this year. I'm running three Genovese plants out of the same pot (~5 gallon pot) but it's still growing much faster than I can use it. Same story for the Thai basil. If I wanted to boost production even more, I'd fewer plants/pot and have more pots. The lettuce leaf basil is a little slower which I attribute to the giant newer leaves shading the older needs constant grooming. To each, their own...Cheers