My name is Brad. I just purchased a small blue atlas cedar about 3 weeks ago. It is only about 10 inches tall, and the trunk is only 1/4" or a little bigger. Anyway i kept it in a pot for a couple weeks, kinda in the shade, with about 1 - 2 hours of direct sunlight a day. I have just put it in the ground on the 22nd of july. Yesterday, the 29th i noticed some of the needles falling off, and others were turning brown. Is there a shock period after replanting that causes this, or is the tree in trouble. i havent used any fertilizer. It has rained every afternoon for about 5 - 6 days, im in North Carolina. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I have another one planted about 20 feet away that is doing great. It is about 6' tall, and was a 3 gallon plant when purchased, instead of a baby. Thanks Brad
Possibly roots got cooked before planting, even though it was shaded most of the day. Or maybe another problem was developing before planting that happened to manifest soon after planting. Timing would suggest it had something to do with summer heat. Otherwise, if it has been wet for awhile maybe it's a leaf fungus.