A year ago i Planted an Avacado seed in soil, it produced a seedling. This seedling has been in the ground for about a year in a half. When we had a bed frost I covered my little tree to protect it but I guess it wasn't good enough. It did recieve some frost bite on the leaves. I waited for the middle of March befor I cut back any of the damaged leaves. Now I have noticed that the areas where I trimmed have turned BLACK, the leaves are turning black on the ends, the parts of the branches that were left are turning black as well. Someone Please Help! the plant is either a Hass or Florida Avacado.
It's dying. Did you sterilize your clippers before you pruned? If you didn't it may have caught something nasty, and at any rate it is now well on its way to being defunct. I'd start over, personally. Hass are very tempremental plants even when they're healthy.
drats. NO i didnt steralize the clippers If I was to cut it way down to near the bottom like a foot will it survives then. The whole thing is not black but most of the limbs that were cut are. I did notice that the black is growing or spreading further down the limbs. If there is something I can do to save it. Its worth a try to me. If I have to paint the ends I cut what type of paint do I use.
I am wondering if the roots were damaged from frost, and the black rot is part of the decay? If the plant has been in the ground all this time, and in Florida's subtropical climate, it should have shown signs of new growth by now. My avocado has just perked up since last October, indoors of course...