I have grown an avacado plant in my kitchen,it is 7ft tall and has leaves over a foot long.I simply put the pit in a large plant pot,with ordinary compost,and it has never stopped growing.I have a walled garden ,and i also planted 2 plants outdoors,they are only small,but they have survived 2 british winters.
How do your outdoor Persea (Avocado) look after the winter's over? Even the hardiest Mexican cultivars are rated as marginal in zone 9a. Any store bought avocado grown from seed would not be expected to last too long. I have several that I left outside in my unheated cold frame for the past 3 years. Each year a number of branch tips and all leaves died back except in the mildest winters, but flushed new growth in spring. This year (without having looked too closely) all appear dead. These are trees after all, so what do you plan on doing if they live long enough to out grow their situation? Cheers, LPN.
They don't look to good ,but they are surviving .As spring and summer come,they start to look better.I don't think they will grow very large.I have also been growing oak trees, from acorns and planting them in the wild. I think everyone should plant new trees.