avacado leaves problem

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by clem, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. clem

    clem Member

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    perth Australia
    (Sorry- I sent an earlier thread without the attached photos)

    I live in Perth,West Australia.I have an avocado Fuerte tree which I grew from seed seven years ago.It is growing in Sandy soil and it is facing the west. It is about 6 meters high and for the past three years it has given us some fruit.At one time it had about twenty healthy avocadoes,but it has always suffered from a 'LEAVES' PROBLEM which I need to sort out hopefully with your help. I am enclosing pictures of the leaves problem for your scrutiny. The leaves on the tree are quite small. the older leaves start drying up from the tip.curling inwards and on the back of all the affected leaves is a multitude black,fungal like spots.I removed the mulch from around the tree trunk and dug up some of the feeder roots and they look quite healthy color wise.
    I don't want to destroy the tree if I can help it.

    P l e a s e H E L P.


    Attached Files:

  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Maybe low humidity in summer causing the leaves to dry out and burn in hot sun? Avocado is a rainforest tree, and Perth doesn't exactly have a rainforest climate.
  3. Dylan G

    Dylan G Active Member

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    CA, USA
    How is your water quality? It could have something to do with salts in your soil or water. Do you do deep soakings when you irrigate? I have seen this on trees growing very close to the ocean.
  4. clem

    clem Member

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    perth Australia
    Hi Michael,
    My next door neighbor has a huge a vocado tree and it produces a truckload every year.I cannot see why the problem with my avocado tree a few feet away..............

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