Several damaged I'm afraid R, but hope all will be well next Spring with new growth. Had to do a lot of artful pruning. Roll on 2021, Lol.
Well what a fun evening yesterday was , torrential rain with howling winds to match, thought there would be little in the way of leaves remaining but was pleasantly surprised to see the vast majority of late turners were all still in tact. D sorry to hear your shish was attacked by a fence panel , had the same experience some years back when our next door neighbours shed roof landed up on my back lawn, missed every single tree came over the workshop top and landed on the lawn, very lucky could have caused so much damage !! Hopefully with some pruning you should save it without to much noticeable loss. Some pictures from to day, what a contrast from yesterday sunny with clear blue sky, managed to get lots done in the garden, trees up, trees planted out and some branch pruning to boot. Wednesday on wards looks good for more lifting. Some pictures from to day the Coral bark leaves are gone but still nice to look at though , needing a bit of a trim though!!
@ROEBUK good evening M, thanks for your kind words of support, I might get over it by 2021 ishh Lol. Love your photos and especially after that awful wind. Amazing so many look untouched. But as I said to Emery earlier, it can't be too long now before we are all in bare bones territory. I think your 'Coonara pygmy' is going to be a big hit with anybody watching this thread. As gardens get smaller and smaller what a wonderful cultivar to have if you only have room for one or two maples in the ground, or in a pot on the patio etc etc. Hope all goes well over the next month for you M, 'keep safe'.
Palmatum seedlings making a nice contrast with the very pale yellow of Celtis laevigata. At the bottom, the very small leaves of a 'Little Princess'. When will my 'Tsuma gaki' keep healthy leaves ? Each year, it gets leaf spots : Putting 'Trompenburg' in the shade wasn't a bad idea after all :
A beautiful sunny Autumn day in the garden here in England, a bit chilly after yesterday's highs but far more normal and no wind !!! Lots to do at this time after the leaves have dropped, but I still have a few with colour and even some that have not turned yet.
Well it was the first cold night of Autumn, down to - 3 ° C. So here are a few of mine that looked quite pretty in the morning frost just minutes ago.
Here is some yellow. Acer cappadocicum on Barclay Street in my neighbourhood, which I have posted in other years. These are on a local heritage trees list. These two photos are on adjacent blocks. On the same block as the second photo above is a privately planted vine maple blending in, Acer circinatum.
Stormy forecast the next few days so the these initial color changes for 'Hubbs Red Willow' may be all for this year.
Wow those mature cappadocicum are spectacular. They really are such a pure yellow. Sort of rare to see them as a street tree, although they're common in arboreta.
They seem to be one of the last maples to turn. Last week I was wondering if their leaves would all fall without turning, it was taking them so long.
Thanks for the great street photos, please can someone explain what causes the leaves to drop before turning? I have experienced these with a few of mine. thanks Rich
@dicky5ash good morning R, I have had many a discussion about this with maple friend's and IMO it is down to being too warm in September/October. Back when I started growing JM 40 plus years ago you could almost guarantee a frost in early October which would see the leaves turn almost overnight, but these days of the climate changing they do not get cold enough to change colour, hence they just brown and drop. Now I know the theory is that the change comes from reduced light as the days get shorter, but this is my experience. The frosts we have had in the UK these last couple of days is too late for many trees and not just JM. Just to let you know I have suffered this year the same as you with leaf drop before they changed, not all by any means but it does seem to be increasing in numbers. We are all in the same boat I'm afraid R. Anyway that's my theory, probably totally wrong!!!!
A very hard frost this morning but the most beautiful blue sky, so I took this one of my Sangu Kaku. Still holding it's leaves compared to my Bi hoo which is next to it with no leaves at all.
Thanks for that explanation D, has only been the case for a couple of mine, in particular A few japonicum cultivars like Meigetsu and Vitifolium, oh and Jordan.
Various seedlings, one with 3-lobed leaves, perhaps not a palmatum : Emerald Lace. The second photo shows the "flat top" of the tree : One of three seedlings labelled Acer oliverianum ssp. formosanum, which is now Acer serrulatum if I'm not wrong :
Ahhh Jordan!!! Does it ever get to Autumn colours ? The Shirasawanum's are a mixed bag that year on year you never know how they will turn out. The Japonicums normally do OK, but this has been a strange year for maples. Normality for 2021 we hope !!!
@AlainK Here’s the tree you hate Koelreuteria Paniculata lol.yellows and oranges..reds to come...have you chopped yours down yet? Adds some colour after the JM have dropped..its 3m in a 300ltr pot..but no lanterns strangely.
My seed grown favorite Best year for fall color The yellows and oranges were on the backside and new colors for the maple this year