Very kind Alain, but I have been sworn to agreeing 'no more trees'. Tbh I really have run out of room.
Such a heavy rainstorm here through the night, I was surprised that I had any leaves left. But Sangu Kaku and Shindeshojo both surprised me.
Not the best year for fall colour here unfortunately. These are my last ones which still have some leaves left. Pictures are of Pixie, Kamagata, Shirazz, Ruysen, Shishigashira, Orange dream and Sango kaku 2 x.
Well we are nearly finished now in the north of England just the few late stragglers hanging on today after some strong winds last night no doubt will all be gone come the weekend , the last two pics of oridono nishiki still thinks it's in spring??
@ROEBUK good evening M, what a feast for the eyes to lead with. I don't think I've seen a better Shishigashira anywhere. It is also funny this year in we all seem to have at least one maple that is producing new leaves now. Agree with your comments that all leaves will be on the ground after this weekend, as there is some bad weather forecast. But after the strong winds all Summer, the colours have not been too bad at all.
Hi D yes it's been a strange year in more ways than one, yes the covid virus is on every ones mind and every thing else is a secondary thought. The maples have been very strange this year i have found, got off to a great spring start then everything went down hill with the awful spring weather/storms which knocked quite a lot of my winter re pots for six , these didn't show at all this fall but they are looking very well at present with good healthy branch and buds, so these will return stronger for next season. The ground trees have done very well with excellent colours but have not lasted as long as usual, the back end of November is usually a good time for some of my maples but again the weather is having it's last laugh!! The Shishigashira is one that is usually a better colour back end of the month as is the Sekka yatsabusa ,needs another week not much red this year on both these cultivars , have seen the shishigashira in better fall colours than this year for sure. Seem to have seen more yellows and orange tones in various cultivars that i would not normally expect to see in such deep colours/tones , very nice to see but will they show again next year ?? There have been some wonderful pictures on the site over the fall, and look we have to start all over again next year :) hopefully it will be better for us all next year, and we may all see some sort of normality return to the world.
@ROEBUK good morning M, yes a very strange year with more happening to people than just Covid. At least we all have our gardens and maples to cheer us up. As you have probably seen on another thread our friend Luke is very sadly having to let his collection go. But I hope he will look in now and again on the forum as he will be very much missed. Let's all be positive for 2021 and hope it is a good year for everyone and our trees.
Here are a couple that are barley holding onto the very last leaves this morning. Beni Hagoromo and Phoenix. Hope they hold on a bit longer as everything is looking very bare now.
Been a very busy work week, following a visit from our son for some administrative necessities, and haven't managed to keep up... But also quite near finished here, although I did notice a few seedlings on the bench that caught my notice. That's how you start down the path to making the garden, here! ;) Mark I do think there have been many more oranges and yellows than normal here. Typically very hot sun increases reds, but so many maples were burnt, I think the leaves in the second level have been mostly what we've seen. First, Acer micranthum, a 2020 seedling, nothing much left when I took the picture but I think this will be a really good plant if it lives: Seed from Shinjuku in Tokyo has turned the most amazing red. It is a seedling from 2019. and lastly a fine red and good leaf shape from this unidentified seed:
One of the last ones. The colours are much less spectacular than in previous years, it definitely needs repotting :
Second wave of colourings. Here, mid november is the usual date for the colour full top. Trend of the year colouring started out (for many) with dark colours, then lightened up . But no lasting as expected. -Last leaves of amoenum amoenum as they are in Kyoto , from seeds collected in ’shisen do’ temple because it have only several wide hight amoenum. -Acer kamagata just starting, 17 years old (too much shade). -Acer Garnet 20 years old. -Acer seyriu, framed branches. 3 others Acer trees are from seeds collected in Kyoto, they are 10 years old. -one in container with reddish woods, each year with the same light red. -one in container , always red, not yet at it’s top. -one in ground, yellow last years , orange this year.
Took this just as the wind was getting up this afternoon. 50mph again!! My Deshojo is one of my last to have some leaves. So thought I would share it.
Is that a Chirimen Hinoki Cypress I spy in your garden!? I bought one this spring randomly at nursery, I’d never seen one and instantly fell in love.
It is a Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Wissels Saguaro. I do have a Hinoki Little Spire which is somewhat similar.
Good morning, I thought these couple of photos taken a few minutes ago of my Okushimo looked quite pretty. The curling of the leaves that is such a particular feature of this one really shows up this morning.
The leaves on both 'Shishigashira' and 'Koto hime' are still there : The ones that were in the shade are also holding their leaves longer, especially the seedlings :
These Wissels Saguaro do grow quite large when in the ground, bought this one years and years ago as a small 20cm young plant, must be well over seven foot now and was lifted and potted on last year to slow it down a bit just kept growing taller ?
Good morning, well the wind has sent my leaves everywhere, so I only have a few left. But my Emerald lace is just about holding on and looking very delicate and pretty a few minutes ago.
I believe this is a truncatum x platanoides seedling showing interesting fall color. It is in a pot with palmatum seedlings. It will winter like that in the pot. Also, heavily protected japonicum seeds spending a second year stratification outside in the elements, nothing germinated after one year. Fingers crossed...
My "big" palmatum has lost a lot of leaves, but some at the back (they were in the shade) are still green. And very few samaras this year.
Good evening, you know when at the end of the day and the sun breaks through just as it's going down after a wet cloudy day, well I had this a few minutes ago and although only a few leaves left, I managed to take these.
I find it rather depressing when the sun goes down at 17:20. It reminded me of my year in Scotland, coming home from school, looking at the sunset through the bus window, a beautiful sight, I felt happy. And I suddenly realized it was something like half past three ! The pub will open at 5:30 ! I checked the time on - heure exacte, pour tout fuseau horaire The sun goes down at 16:20 or so in Britain, oh my ! I much prefer the "summer time", it should be 18:20 here now. It was a very sunny day today, no wind, but cold (3-9°C). The skyline at 17:25 :