Okay, I'm not sure why I made the heading sound that enthusiastic and up-beat. (We all know unnamed things drive me up walls) Anyway, if you didn't read my post reply already I have been gifted two beautiful plants. I didn't mention that I also have a house tree which I have been calling a cornstalk plant since I've had it. I have this instinctive feeling that there is a more appropriate name or scientific classification and I always have preferred to call my lovelies by their -real- names. So without further ado (and rambling) here they are. -b.lyn oh before I forget, there aren't really six plants, I just took two pictures of each to better show detail and give a close up on the one with the rolled leaves (for a while I thought it was just a unique philodendron but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong there) I also just wanted to say that you guys have been so helpful and I'm just glad I found this form. There aren't many people my age that are actually in to gardening or the like (i complemented a houseplant one time with a friend and she actually thought I was joking :-/) so it's good to have you and these forums. Anyway thank you all. :)
blynb, just curious about the watering globe, does it work effectively? And are you satisfied with it?
Don't know about Blynb, but I was given one for C-mas and stuck it in the Hoya Carnosa. I'd just cut it back drastically, and was trying to maintain a continious level of moisture for the rootles starts. It seems to be working because I haven't lost any of the cuttings. One must remember to refill it, however. Walgren Drugs carry them without the mess and shipping charges if your order via the TV ads. barb.
joclyn, you're a maverick - if you only knew how much it helps me to know these plants' names. . .i've got a touch of OCD and things I cannot identify are one of my ticks (it can be annoying but you learn to work through it heheh) Thank you :) K Baron I absolutely LOVE the globes. I was very skeptical at first (I actually didn't budge until they had been out for about a year and a half and when I finally did it was only because they were on special) but I bought many more at full price after about a week of having. I put one in an adenium and the leaves literally doubled over a couple of weeks and the peace lilly (above) just keeps sprouting new leaves since. I'm a bit forgetful too but as long as you walk past them once or twice a week you can keep them full. The only con is that they're all differen't i.e. different hole sizes and can be difficult to fill without a little funnel of some sort (like the one that comes with some types of lamp oil) either use that or a very narrow spout wattering can but use the sink and you may waste a little water. I'd definitely say try them, you will like it.