Arizona gardening

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Ravens Nook, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Ravens Nook

    Ravens Nook Member

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    Peoples Valley Arizona USA
    Hey Karen,
    Thanks for your encouragement, I am starting a garden in Peoples Valley, I am on top of a hill with the same soil condition as you.
    I am thinking of raised beds and a green house. Raised beds for grapes, & berries
    green house for salads and vegs. How deep do my raised beds have to be? I am afraid of doing all this work, just to find out my plants will have root damage from poor draiange and not produce.
    Any ideas on what kind of greenhouse will stand up to very high winds and Az Sun?
    Do I mix "our" dirt with 50% compost two feet deep then add a raised bed another
    18"-2' above that with the same mix?


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