Hello everyone, I have 47-14 year old areca palms that I use for a fence around my house, you bet they are a mess however they are beautiful and stay green because of some tricks I have learned through the years. I have clumps every two feet that's how they grow and they are being eating one clump at a time. Today I went to pull the dead leaves off and one mature trunk fell in my hand. When I looked at the bottom I saw little white bugs and as soon as I went searching for them them they were gone any idea what they are and how to kill them. Thanks for your help Capt Bosco
Mealy bugs! Oh noes! I'd be looking for some industrial strength insecticides right about now, if I were you. You may have lost the palms anyway, though.
That's going to be hard to get rid of in advanced plants, but like Lorax said a systemic pesticide is worth a try and in bulk too! I'd suggest a couple of sprays about 2-3 weeks apart and then regular spraying to try and deter future infestation.