This is an amaryllis (Hippeastrum) seed pod that developed without me pollinating it (must have happened by accident). I left it for a few weeks but the stem was sagging and getting soft so I cut off the pod and opened it up. Something tells me that these seeds aren't develpoed enough, right? Should I have left the pod alone and just let it get soft with the stem? I was afraid it would rot. Is there something I can do to keep the stem alive so that the pods will develop and I can get the seeds from them? I have hand pollinated other flowers from a second stem from the same bulb. No sign of pods yet though.
Re: are these seeds good? Not knowing if your seeds are viable or not, I will just offer general information about the propagation of Amaryllis (Hippeastrun). It is possible to propagate them from seeds, but they germinate very slowly and unevenly, and take many years to bloom. The offsets may be removed and planted, and these should bloom in about two years. _ Millet
Re: are these seeds good? I want to propogate from seeds though in order to create hybrids. This, Im pretty sure doesn't happen from bulblets. Thanks for the tips
propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) My Amaryllis pollinated itself and grew a nice little pod. I was waiting the 5 weeks that I read online was required for the seeds to develop but after 3 weeks the stem died back and along with it the pod. What should I have done differently. Should I have left the flower on? How do I get the seeds to fully mature?
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) Have you looked inside the pods for seeds? If they weren't any then its flowers weren't fertilized, afterall. Next time you may have to hand pollinate (pollination is pollen getting to the flowers, fertilization is pollen getting to the ovules and getting the ball rolling).
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) A colleague reports that his hippeastrum bed produces seedlings pretty regularly. So I looked at my little bunch of bulbs, and yes, there was at least one seedling. These plants like plenty of sun and are somewhat flexible about water, except they obviously like good drainage.
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) I dont know if it was fertilized or just pollinated. I assumed it was fertilized because of the pod growing. I looked inside the pod when it was shrivelling up and saw what looked like the beginnings of seeds and some were blackish like they were starting to get moldy. Since then I have hand fertilized 3 more flowers the way I saw on a website to fertilize but no luck, no pods, or fruits I think they are called. I am trying one more with it's own pollen this time (the others were from a different Hipp.). I just wanted to know what to do if I get another pod to help it mature. I think I need to leave the flower on it. fingers crossed
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) If the seeds were nearly black they were mature. Sounds like you got seeds set and left them in there not realizing it was time for action.
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) Does look like they were developed but unripe and stalk petered before they were mature. Funny seeds would get that far if not fertile.
Re: propogating amaryllis (Hippeastrum) maybe they were fertilized? I did brush against it accidently, and maybe transferred some pollen. Any idea why the hand fertilizing isn't working?