I have lots of Lavender in my yard and would really like to cook with them. I don't know the specific varieties though and have been afraid to eat them until I know for sure. My internet searches have been unfruitful. I've eaten it in restaurants, chocolate and drank lavendar tea. My goal is to try making lavendar jelly, ice cream, cookies, creme brule, and more! If you have any information, espcially about a poisonous lavendar, please share it with me. Thank you!
I certainly don't know of any toxic varieties, and I'm quite partial to Helado de Paile (cream-free artisanal sorbet) flavoured with lavender and anise. I have also experimented with lavender and chestnut cremes as fillings to handmade chocolates, and I normally include it in fish stews.
This is GREAT news - thank you! Now that I've wasted almost 6 years not knowing, I can begin to lavish my family with the wonderful flavors of this herb. I'm looking forward to trying it with anise (as mentioned above), and also plan to make some lemon-lavender sorbet, lavender short bread cookies, lavender chocolates... The ideas are piling up!