This guy sure looks like a ladybug, but I had to use a magnifying glass (after rendering him unconscious) to see the similarities. We have a young gravenstein apple tree that is not doing well; many of the new leaves are curling, some look eaten, some are crispy brown. Its got these little wee black and white bugs all over it. It was hard to get a picture, he's about 1/8th of an inch long, but I think you can clearly see that he's mainly whitish with black spots and is very ladybuglike... he was flying when I konked him, so his wings are hanging out in the picture... I'd always thought that ladybugs were good, and that these ones must be voraciously eating whatever's curling up the leaves of the new growth of this tree... but is it possible these weenie ladybug-like critters are the culprits? I've looked up apple tree pests and don't see anything like this guy, but can't see any other obvious bug on the tree. So I'd really appreciate it if anyone can tell me what this is, does it help or harm, and also, if this is indeed a friendly LB, what might be the culprit damaging the tree? Many thanks for any help!