Hello I live in southwestern Ontario and wonder whether it is possible to grow an arbutus in my area as an indoor, dwarf type. It would go outside in late spring for the summer. I live in a ground floor apartment with windows facing west only. Thank You..... Margo............amberwolf_ca@yahoo.com
Extremely unlikely Margo ... These are quite exacting in growth requirements and are not in anyway a potted patio tree. Free root run in rocky sites are a basic condition. Here's some around my region of Vancouver Island where they grow in great abundance. Cheers, LPN.
Thank you for the info on the arbutus. When I was in BC I saw them and even got some of the peeled bark. Just thought it might be worth a try. Thanks again Margo
They can be grown as bonsai, though are not the easiest to grow. Some info here: http://www.bonsaiweb.com/care/faq/arbutus.html
Michael Thank you soo much for the Arbutus info. Can you let me know when your plant starts growing.....I am trying to find the seeds you mentioned. Thanks again. Margo amberwolf_ca@yahoo.com
Margo, I purchased the seeds online from 'Seed Collectors, VanDusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6M 4H1. I will plant mine in March, they are now in my refridgerator, and hopefully they will sprout by summer. Also, before I planted my Arbutus, I used to take put him out in April and bring him back indoors in October. If I can do that on PEI, you can do it in Ontario as your warm weather comes 2-3 weeks ahead of PEI. Also, my friend in Saint John NB (actually Hammond River, outside the fog zone) has 5 Arbutus in pots and they go outdoors in spring and indoors in the fall and have for the past 5 years. You can do it. Michael Zinck Cornwall, PEI mszinck@eastlink.ca