I have an arbutus tree that is growing close to a huge cedar tree, almost connected. It is about 4 feet high. Is it possible to move this tree or will it grow larger under the wings of the cedar tree?
At that size, it's unlikely to survive transplanting (even small arbutus menziesii seedlings are difficult to move), especially since it's roots will be entangled with those of the cedar. What is most likely to happen is that the arbutus will lean to the light, and continue to grow alongside the cedar on an angle (not unusual for this species anyways). So either one of the conflicting trees has to go for the sake of the other, or leave them alone, and live with the resulting tree shape/entanglements.
Thanks! I will let them be as I would not want to lose either of them. The arbutus is growing on an angle as you said. The question is how big will it get? Thanks Marie
A way to move it would be to snip the leaves off (without cutting the branches back) in February, pull it up (with an objective of getting as many roots as possible by bare-rooting instead of trying to dig a solid soil ball), potting it up and putting it in a humid greenhouse or equivalent* to re-foliate and grow new roots before planting in its permanent location. *Mist propagation setup probably ideal
I also have a tiny Pacific Madrone growing right next to a False Cypress tree, practically growing out of it. Don't want to move it and will let nature take it's course