Here are a few miscellaneous plants that amused me last week. I was attracted to the shiny asymmetrical leaves of Epimedium wushanense. While looking for the label for them, I came across the label for this young Acer maximowiczii, which I always thought was a different snake bark maple. So I got doubly excited there. I'm a sucker for fuzzy leaves, and peeling bark, was doubly excited again by the Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla'.
Rodgersia podophylla are starting to appear. Duck-foot rodgersia, such a great name. The Asian skunk cabbage, Lysichiton camtschatchensis, will grow leaves longer (taller) than one meter. They are already very noticeable, and we get flowers now.
I took a photo of the tree today. I wondered why the name seemed a little familiar to me. I just now found some old photos, in the same plot, of an older tree that used to be right there.
On Douglas Justice's members walk this evening, he told me that label is wrong, and it's Acer forrestii, possibly hybridized with something else.