anyone here have success with apricot the fruit edible? There are hardy varieties to zone#3, don't know what kind of texture apricot that would be.
Well, I've never grown them, but I'm fairly certain 'Westcot' is commonly grown in Zone 3 (and is said to have good flavour)
The apricots that we can get in Zone 3 are quite good. The biggest problem is getting fruit. The blossoms are often lost to frost. A lot of the parentage of the hardier apricots is from Manchuria. The fruit quality is generally good and the trees are hardy. There are several good cultivars Westcot, Scout, M604 and several others. Heres a link for you check out Cheers
I planted Scout and M604 apricots last year in Zone 5. They were good size trees. They bloomed this year while it was still cold and I could not wake up the bugs and the bees for pollination in the cold weather so I did not see any fruit set this year. I hope it will be different next year (or I will try manual pollination with a brush).
Hi Guys, I have apricot tree in my back yard at SW Calgary. It Westcot three years old. This year she give us about 50 fruits. It has very nice plesent sweet test. Cheers Lazar
It was a good year for apricots. Generally you can only expect to get fruit sporadically on the prairies. Nice pics