Hi everyone, My 5 year old apple tree has always struggled since I planted it but this year it's got some sort of infection that has spread to all the branches. My tree is a 4-in-1 apple tree and the most severely affected branch is the Alkane apple graft. I am seeking advice on how to treat it. I live in Vancouver, BC. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you, AppleEnthusiast
I see some signs of scab, but it does not look as severe as the scab on my apple trees this year. The curly young leaves look like aphid damage. Check the insides (undersides) of the curled leaves for aphids. Also, look for ants scurrying up and down the trunk; if present, they will be tending aphids.
Thank you Vitog. How do I treat the scabs? I’ve ha serious problems with aphids since I planted my trees. Ive tried everything from an expensive spray to soap and water and nothing seems to work.
I use copper spray to treat scab; but it should have been applied earlier, from the green tip stage to blossoming. I missed the appropriate earlier sprays because of the rain and will try a later spray (generally not recommended) whenever I can get two days in a row without rain. In the meantime, I've been picking off some of the worst-affected leaves.