I notice that there is no poster yet for 2006. I am a painter, and paint lots of apples. Would you accept a submission for your poster, or do you only use children's art? Thanks in advance.
I'd like to answer this, but I can't - it's the Friends of the Garden who handle the Apple Festival and the main organizer who would be handling this changes from year to year. I'll leave a printout of this thread in their office.
Thanks for the reminder. One of the FOGs did reply, but it wasn't written so slipped my mind. The contest is only available to children was the response. I wonder, however, if there might be some mutual interest in exhibiting your work at the Apple Festival. If you'd consider that, I think it might be worthwhile to send a small photo of your paintings to the garden (attn: to me) and I'll deliver it to the FOG Apple Fest coordinator.
Thank YOU for taking the time to check it out! I'm not sure if you meant that you wanted an e-image, or one via snail mail - so heres the e version for starters at least. Please let me know what else I can do to help. Thanks again. I'll check back here soon.
I've printed this off for them - hopefully, the Applefest Coordinator from the FOGs will be in sometime soon. The summer is usually a bit of a slack time!
Thanks Daniel! If you need to see any more apple paintings, I'd be happy to show them via the net. I think that the festival is a great. A corresponding art show and/or sale might promote even more interest in apples and the gardens. I have experience both curating and exhibiting: http://www.geocities.com/caution_studio/exhibits.html There's a considerable crop of apple paintings and drawings here. And out there! :)