Hi i resently was shipped a piece of kahili ginger from my couson in hawaii and i was wondering if there are any suggestions for planting it? I left it in the box that i got it in for about a month because i sadly forgot about it and it started to grow and broke through the bag. i read a little on this plant but all i could find was that it was extremly invasive. I was wondering if it was hard to grow or what i needed to pot it in. Are there any suggestions?
Ginger is an easy plant to grow, in fact it wants to take over the flower bed. The underground stems are broken into small pieces to form new plants. This should be done in March or April. To be successful, ginger needs a fertile soil that contains an abundant amount of organic matter. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Most varieties must be protected from strong sunshine. - Millet
Note what you have a ginger lily (Hedychium) and that it will have to be overwintered indoors in PA. Invasiveness not an issue there, it can't live outside long enough to become weedy.