I saw about 10 of these this weekend - growing solitary in different locations. White spore print. growing between 8,500 to 10,00 feet in elevation. All were growing within feet of a cold mountain stream. The cap looked exactly like Xerula furfuracea to me (they weren't, though: there was no tap root in mine). Diameter of cap ranged from 1 1/2 to 5 cm. Growing on moss.
Melanoleuca looks right. Maybe I can find another one and play "stump the chief identifier" in a couple of weeks.
C. Wick. As it turns out, Michael Kuo is the chief identifier for a mushroom survey I am leading here in Colorado in one of our National parks (the 3rd ever mushroom survey in a national park). Check out www.cmsweb.org/mycoblitz/index.htm for more details. We have participants from 5 states so far but none from Kansas. It is the weekend of August 23rd and 24th!
oh wow...if I'd known about this sooner I'd have jumped! now? I'm not able to get the time (my son just started school....didn't save enuf cash for the gas milage....excuses excuses). maybe next time.......my area of the woods has lots and lots of mycological opportunities to see.......I've a whole stack of cd's with recorded images and field notes filling up books of what I've found and where. good luck on this very exciting opportunity! (I just recently purchaced Michael's book called 100 Edible Mushrooms with tested recipes)