I looked through my files and found a photo of a tree, also taken at QE Park a while ago, that has red strawberry-like fruits. I notice that the leaves of this tree have smooth edges, and not like the saw-edges of the Strawberry Tree. Is this a subspecies or a totally different species?
I like dogwood flowers, but I have not been observant and did not know they produce colourful and edible fruits too.
Word of caution: while Cornus kousa fruit are edible (and nice!), most other Cornus species are NOT edible; some are moderately toxic. The non-edible ones don't have that slightly knobbly appearance though. In particular: Cornus florida: TOXIC Cornus nuttallii: Not edible
Thank you for the info. At least, it is easy to distinguish the fruit of Cornus kousa from those of C. florida and C. nuttallii.