At least that's its behaviour in my yard... This little guy appeared in my garden one day and then it spread everywhere and I just can't seem to get rid of it. It has a little bulb-like thing that's white and pink. If you pull it out of the ground, you will find there are countless little baby bulbs all around. I'm afraid it's going to take over soon. Can anybody tell me what it is? Photos are attached. Any ideas for getting rid of it?
Circaea alpina (Small Enchanter's-nightshade). A fairly harmless woodland wildflower native in your area.
That's a cute term. I assume it's what we have to say for some thug we can't call invasive because it's legitimately ours.
Thanks. It's about to run into a highly assertive (and expanding) gang of horsetail, blackberry, and goutweed thugs. We'll see how it makes out :(