Can anyone help ID these angelwings? I have been trying for a while and have had no luck. Any help would be apprecaited...
I am not sure. These can be so hard to pin down. I am not sure because the lana seems to have more "stripes' than random dots.
Yea, I thought the same thing but if yours is an immature leaf it might display a different pattern. Often times plants immature leaves look nothing like the mature plant. I've only ever had one Angelwing and unfortunately I lost it. Hopefully someone else chimes in with more positive ID's for you.
I didn't know that about leaves - thanks for that! I will write the name down, maybe by the time spring or summer comes, it will look different. What kind of angelwing did you have?
#2 could also be B. coccineum.... I grow a terribly large array of Begonias, including a number of the epiphytes, and I have given up even trying to ID many of them.
I wasn't sure if I would get any responses. I know they can be a nightmare, if not impossible. Especially with awful pictures, haa haa. I really like to have my plants labeled as detailed as possible, but I guess that may not always be possible. Love your username lorax!
Mine was a Begonia Corallina de Lucerna. It did very well but outgrew the location I had it in. When I moved it, it didn't do so well and eventually died.