Hi, a friend of mine has her amyrils bulb in a pot and is starting to shoot- now she hasn't a clue what to do with it....should she start fertilizing it or water lightly. Can't find much on the net, and I haven't owned one in eons. I recall mine used to flower 2 X a year and she isn't having any luck with the second flowering. Any suggestions?
Lots of light and regular fertilizing. Maybe the way you are spelling amaryllis is interfering with web searches. Note also that the botanical name is Hippeastrum, using that avoids confusion with Amaryllis belladonna, usually grown as an outdoor plant.
Lol, that is what happens when I do a quick copy and paste from an email! I googled online and came up with nothing or very little! Yep, spelling can make a ton of difference and thank you- I sent her a ton of sites to sift through.