My dad lives in upstate NY and I gave him a Amaryliss 2 Christmas' ago. The first year it bloomed until after Easter. This year he has a 25" stalk but no flowers. Is he missing something and can he do something to get it to bloom? Jim Samere Feel free to email me at: Thanks
If it has put up a flower stalk, it may be about to bloom. The timing of the bloom may be different than last year. Does the stallk look healthy? The key to getting amaryllis to rebloom is allowing the leaves to grow on after the plant blooms until they die back naturally in the fall. If the leaves can trap enough energy and it gets stored in the bulb, the plant should bloom well the following year.
he let it die last spring and did not water it untill christmas this year. now has 2 ft. stalk w/no leaves. any hope of it blooming?
It doesn't sound like he let it grow long enough last year to form blooms this year, although if it has a bloom stalk, it must have a flower coming - maybe a weak bloom this year. Here are previous threads on amaryllis care:
Thank you Erik, my dad says the stalk grows one in per day and is nice and green too. He fertilizes it once a month with Peters and hopes it comes up with a flower and will take your advice and let it die in the late Spring and then let it rest in a cool cellar until late Fall. Thanks again.
You MUST tell him to keep the leaves growing until fall. Do not let the plant die (go to sleep) in the spring. These do NOT need dormancy, they are naturally evergreen. They only need a brief sleep period in the late summer/early fall if you want them blooming around xmas time. Tom
I have found that if you wish your Amaryriliss to bloom the next season they must be grown in plenty of sun light after they have flowered, and feed them with a tomato fertilizer, at half strength,once a fortnite. If the weather is warm and sunny put them in the garden in a sheltered spot in the sun,or in your green not let them dry out until the end of the growing season. I wish you luck. Ashizuru.
I have four amaryllis's that I look after pretty well. But I am about to give up on them. Right now they all have healthy leaves ranging from 1' to 2' long, very healthy - but this has happened in each of the last few years and they NEVER BLOOM! I put them outside during the summer, do not let them dry out except at the end of the summer when I let the leaves die off - follow the instructions in one of my books - get magnifiacent leaves - but never a hint of a bloom.
No. I had assumedthgat the vigorous growth of the leaves meant that they had everything they needed and hence fert was unnecessary.
Yeah they like some food during the growing stage after blooming. I read once that for every five healthy leaves that the plant puts up, a bloom stalk will form the following spring.
They are heavy feeders. EVERY plant except carnivorous plants need fertilizer. Half strength every other watering. Tom