Identification: Amanita Muscaria

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by Piznipy, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Piznipy

    Piznipy Member

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    Arvada colorado
    I live in Arvada Colorado and I have seen amanita muscaria mostly in the mountains. I have read some articles that say there are not too many look alikes in colorado and i wanted to see if that was true. not only for myself but mostly for wreckless friends that i dont want to see get hurt.

    this is unrelated but does anyone know how the fungus effects vision interpretation or depth perception in the brain? I heard you could put a small rock in front of a person under the influence and they would try to step over it carefully like it was huge.
  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    There are some very dangerous lookalikes to A. muscaria: The problem is that the conept "lookalikes" is relative to how familiar you are with mushrooms. The more you get to know mushrooms, the fewer lookalikes there are.

    "The mushroom season" in most of North America is just starting, so there may be mushroom clubs in your area with mushrooms shows/festivals/forays coming up soon. These events are good way to learn to distinguish mushrooms from each other, particularly because you have both the mushroom and the mycologist together live and in person :-).

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