Aloha. the first plant i have is massive. it roots like crazy and grows anywhere in any condition it seems. the second plant i picked up atop a volcano on my island. it fell off the mother plant so i tried it root it and it rooted. its growing very very fast. i turn the pot that its in so it will grow straight and within about a half hour the plant turns all its leaves toward the sun. i never seen anything like it. the third plant appears to be in the pathos family. its a fairly fast grower but the odd part is that the inside areas of the plant are a deep vibrant red color. and it has these odd flowers that look something like a peace lilly. i think thats what its called. i never seen anything like it before. i anyone can help me identify these plants i would greatly appreciate it!!!!
Bolivian Jew, Turtle Vine Callisia repens,Kalanchoe pinnata and a Philodendron, P. erubescens? HTH Chris
ok, yes, the first one is defiently the bolivian jew...i know the 3rd plant is a philodendron (SP) of some sort...but the second plant?
Just to add to Chris' comments, P erubescens "Red Emerald". And Chris told you the second plant is Kalanchoe pinnata : ) Ed