Aloe Vera

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Unregistered, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. I have an aloe vera plant an it appears to be quite healthy as I was checking on my plants this morning I noticed in the aloe vera plant these fluoresent yellow bulbs. I have no clue as to what they are. I have included a picture (not the best quality unfortunately) Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Ginger Blue

    Ginger Blue Active Member

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    Ozarks, USA
    Your link isn't working for me.

    Just a's not uncommon for fungus to grow in the soil of houseplants. Some even turn into mushrooms. Could you be seeing the beginnings of the cap of a mushroom? I've had ones that were a very bright yellow.
  3. NiftyNiall

    NiftyNiall Active Member 10 Years

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    My limited experience growing Aloe vera, was that when I saw mushrooms growing in the soil. Was to stop watering the plant, they are very drought tolerant. The mushrooms will not like it very dry,. Keep the top soil of these plants dry, and you will generally have no problems, overwatering always seems to bring on problems, like wilting, fungal growths, etc. They will have nice flowers, if you look after them properly.

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