Aloe Vera Help Please!!!!!

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by Takezou, May 4, 2007.

  1. Takezou

    Takezou Member

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    New Zealand
    I've tried to attach photo's but not sure if it worked out.
    something is wrong with my aloe vera plants, they are becoming brownish, some leaves are getting dried up-ish and some have black spots on them, theres a total of 10 plants but the main ones affected are the parents (3 plants) which i have taken several photo's to show.
    i dont water them very often but they did get a little rain the other day. it doesnt rain here very often either once every few months. the plants already didnt look too good before the rain and i fear they are only getting worse.

    i wasnt sure if this board was the right one to post under or if i should have put it under cacti and succulents but i thought perhaps this one might get the most response.


    thanks in advance


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  2. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    Your plant looks fine. It is normal for the older leaves to shrivel up and die.
  3. Knowitall

    Knowitall Member

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    This person needs to look a bit closer.
    I have 25 years experience with aloe vera, I just came across something never seen before for the first time, so thats why I joined up today to get some info. I was just reading all posts to see if I can offer people help. Your thread is a bit old but I would like to offer you some advice, if its not too late.

    First of all they do not look fine, I'm not entirely sure, but given the lighting in the pictures I would imagine they are in direct sunlight, this can sometimes have adverse effects. Move them to somewhere that has some shade. After just a day or two you will see them start to regain colour.

    Second, you say you water them only every few months, you should try every fortnight. Now buy the looks of the pots they look like they hold about 1 or 2kg of soil so give them 200mls of water around the roots, it will disperse into the rest of the soil, thus the roots will not rot.

    Third, the pots are quite large, if you want your aloes to produce pups you should transplant them into much smaller pots. Aloes thrive and produce a lot of pups when in this state.

    Fourth, remove the dead leaves at the bottom of the plant using a sharp knife, you can split the leaves open to see if there is any gel left, if so then it can be used for its medicinal purposes.

    Fifth, cut the black spotted leaves lust below where the spots stop, if too infested remove the whole leaf. You can also use the gel from these leaves too. The black spots are a sign that your plants probably got sunburned. Also cut off the browned tips. The leaves will heal themselves and even though they will look a bit funny being cut like that, they will look better than having dead tips and black spots on them.
    Oh and the black spotted leaves, I would just cut 1 leaf off per plant per day so as not to traumatise the plant.

    Overall, shift plants and water them, next day cut off 1 black spotted leaf, then the following day do the same and so on. after removing all the nasty looking leaves if you decide you want to transplant your aloes into smaller pots, I would wait a week, so that the plants have healed and trauma reduced. If you want to transplant them first, then wait a good month or even two before transplanting.

    All this information has been provided under the assumption, the plants haven't died on you, but it is good info for your next plants, so that they don't have the same problem.

    Please let me know how you get on.

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