So my alocasia polly seems to be heading off to dormancy for the winter. The leaves are looking crappy and curling up. As I'm in my first year of plant-rearing, I am headed into new territory with my perrenials here. So when my alocasia goes into dormancy, do the leaves fall off and the stalks remain? or does everything wither up & die, and I am left with just a pot of dirt? When it goes dormant, can I just stick it in a closet for a few months? Or should I leave it out somewhere? Furthermore, what stimulates it to wake up? A certain amount of time, or certain changes in light? Or something else altogether. Thank you for making deposits in my Bank of Knowledge.
Everything will die back to the dirt, and then it's a good thing to stick it in the closet. I'm not sure about what stimulates it to come back, though. If you ask in the Aroids forum you'll probably get a good answer there.
Oh, good thinkin! I probably should have taken a clue from the last thread I had about this plant that was moved to the Aroid forum, eh?
Alocasia Polly, Pt. II Mine is going dormant. How long should I expect my plant to be dormant for? And what stimulates it to return to life-full-ness? Increased light? Warmth? Or just a certain amount of time? I figured I would stick the plant in my closet for a couple of months once it went kaput. Good idea? Bad? Thanks!