The asparagas is coming up wonderfully this spring. There are already a few tall spears that are harvest size but I'm waiting for the ones that have just poked through the ground. I'm very thankful that the 2 plants that I moved out of the pea bed did not seem to suffer any set back and are happily pushing their spears up through the soil. Note: I'll get some pics up when I can get a hold of my husband's camera. Anne
We actually had a day without rain so I was able to get some pictures of the asparagas patch. There were a few spears ready to cut so it was asparagas and fresh garden leeks for supper tonight! Asparagas Patch - April 2007 Ready to harvest. Asparagas Patch - April 2007 Should be ready in a few days.
I planted some good roots last year, thery were likely a year old. They shot up ferns and I left them go to seed. Now I have the new ones 1 or 2 years old coming up nicely. Should I just let them have a nice summer or should I cut a few? Tks Dunc
You can cut a few but make sure that you stop cutting when the new stalks that appear start getting spindly. Leave any plants that have spindly stalks for another year until they get better established.
Yea, it was rainy and I didn't get a chance to get into the garden to catch them while they were young and tender. Those ones I left but there will be plenty of others coming up soon :o)