Ailing Tilia

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by ginger, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. ginger

    ginger Member

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    Eastern Fraser Valley BC Canada
    I would very much like to get feed back on my images re the look of my tree.....Tilia cordata 'greenspire'. I may have overwatered it and so the leaves are looking bit wilty, also the color has gone light green. However I don't know why the spots and tears. I see a few ants on the tree but they seem interested only in the blossoms. If you notice the picture of this tree in an earlier thread....there's quite a difference. Thank you in advance.

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  2. jimweed

    jimweed Active Member 10 Years

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    Lack of sap flow my be the problem. Roots damaged by previous summer heats or freezing winters. Even heavy winter winds rocking and destroying the shallow frozen roots, there is an endless list for root damage. But it does seem the tree is lacking vigor and sap flow might be the cause.

    Bacterial Blight is fairly common and its shot hole symptoms can vary in looks from plant to plant. This you would need a plant root and tissue sample tested at the Ag building in Abbotsford.

    Best of luck,, Jim.
  3. ginger

    ginger Member

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    Eastern Fraser Valley BC Canada
    Thank you for your answer of possibilities. I did a soil test for nitrogen today and found it quite depleted. Would I do damage by giving it some organic 4-2-3 ? The tree was planted in Mar. '08. I understand there should be no fertilizing so soon. Any comments? Thanks.
  4. jimweed

    jimweed Active Member 10 Years

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    Your not likely to do any damage by fertilizing now. Organic fertilizer is also a wise choice. Repeated treatments should be in guidance with the label.

    Since your tree has only been planted such a short time, it may just be struggling to build a root system, not so much damaged as I was saying above.

    Are you sure your water is penetrating into the root ball?

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