This tree next to the Reception Centre is very visible from the parking lot. The inforescences seem unusually long and shapely. I see there are supposed to be three Aesculus chinensis in this and an adjoining area, but I only noticed one. In 2012 (a late-blooming year), Nadia posted photos from this area, which caused @Ron B to remark that her photos look more like Aesculus indica. See June 27 - Today's features, and more, in the Asian Garden These flowers are a lot longer than the ones in her photo, are held more horizontally and the inflorescences come to more of a point. I wonder if the one Nadia posted was a different tree (is that still around and I just missed it?) and this is a remarkable A. chinensis.
My list, dated 7-20-15. Do I need a newer list? Aesculus chinensis 2•2A•2A10• Sapindaceae 27154/0-0565-1989 Aesculus chinensis 2•2A•2A12• Sapindaceae 27154/0-0565-1989 Aesculus chinensis 2•2A•2A12• Sapindaceae 38888/0-5487-2006
Yes, but no for now. The first two are duplicates of each other, due to an inability to transition data across systems effectively. Eric has corrected these from 1989-2016 now. The third plant is a seedling. However, we've also moved to a new numbering system and we can't yet output the old number (that matches the current labels) onto the report (until the next version is released: see Topic: Conserved accession number – active vs. passive » IrisBG User forum ).
Thank you, Daniel. So then, it's the same tree that @Ron B thought looked like Aesculus indica and that I thought in my photos looked different and more like the Aesculus chinensis photos I see on the internet.