Advice please

Discussion in 'Maples' started by irshmerc, May 10, 2022.

  1. irshmerc

    irshmerc Member

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    Hi Lads, how we doing

    This tree, i have no idea what it is but i suspect it's a Atropurpureum, and it appears to be losing the will to live, I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago in the hope it would come round, the buds appeared to be swelling, maybe that was wishful thinking on my part, but alas it hasn't recovered, my question is should i now prune the dead branches and hope for the best, does the tree appear to be diseased ???

    Thanks, your knowledge is greatly appreciated

    Good luck

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  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning. Those branches look dead or nearly dead IMO. But do a fingernail test to see if there is green below the bark. If there is then wait a couple of weeks, but tbh I doubt there will be. So if not then the branches need to be removed. When you do so, check to see if there are any black markings in the cross section. If there is, then it's Verticulum.
    There is no cure for this sadly, but the tree can survive. It will mean a strange shape for this year, but by removing the diseased wood, you should get new buds next Spring. It all depends on if you want to continue with this maple.
    Just to let you know I carry out aesthetic light pruning in June / July every year, so you can shape it. But do remember to clean secateurs with rubbing alcohol after each tree. I actually clean mine after every cut on the same tree and especially if I suspect disease.
    If you go down the route of replacing completely, Atropurpureum are not expensive to buy. But if you use the same pot, then wash it out first using some bleach. And plant a little higher so you can see the top roots. Your photo today shows a little too deep planting.
    AlainK likes this.
  3. irshmerc

    irshmerc Member

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    Hi Derek, thank you for that very comprehensive explanation, i did remove the dead branches, i took a picture of the cross section and as you suspected there are dark spots contained within the wood, I have sealed the cuts for now and will see how it goes, seems a shame to not give it a chance, but i think your probably right to suggest starting over maybe the best course of action.

    Good luck

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  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Definitely Good luck @irshmerc You never know.

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