Advice on placing two different JM's?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by esm, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. esm

    esm Member

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    Knoxville, TN
    Hi guys, new to the forums and gardening about two-three years now! Have searched here for advice for a long time but my particular question doesn't seem to get answered consistently, so here it goes...

    I have one Garnet JM and one Crimson Queen JM, each only a few years old in large planters. Well draining soil. I recently moved to a new house (from NC to TN) and I have limited spots to place the trees.

    My question is this: Which plant will do best in full morning/early afternoon sun (let's say from sun-up to about 3pm), and which will do best in shade with some dappled sunlight in the afternoon (shady in the morning, then some dappled light from about 1pm-sundown)? Really these are the only choices I have the new yard!

    Some more background:
    The Crimson Queen has been in the full morning/early afternoon sun since the leaves budded out in late Feb. It did great there so far in early spring, so normally I would leave it alone. But I'm worried about leaf scorching in summer (it had some burn last year when it was in NC) and the tree honestly looks/fits better in the shadier spot!

    The Garnet was just purchased last week and it's been in the shady spot. It seemed to be doing fine but the tree itself looks better in the other sunnier location. Also the nursery I got it from had it out in full sun.

    The other question that is never consistently answered on other threads is about leaves turning green. Is it from too much shade, or too much light in summer? I've heard these cultivars keep there deep color in summer and I want them to if possible! My Crimson began to turn green leaves recently (like, two days ago) and I feel this is too early in the season. It has to be due to placement. Will more or less light improve this condition?

    So please any advice would be appreciated relating to these two cultivar's light I can make the best placement choice for my little JM's! Thanks so much!
  2. rufretic

    rufretic Active Member

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    marengo usa
    Too much shade will turn them green.
    Both would like the morning sun location better. Whichever gets the other location will most likely turn green but should do just fine health wise.
  3. Kaitain4

    Kaitain4 Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Dickson, TN
    I would give Garnet the most sun. My Crimson Queen is doing great in 1/2 sun.
  4. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    I agree that Garnet takes full sun much better. Mine is in full sun and does great (let mulch and the canopy keep the roots cool). We planted my parents Crimson Queen in a shady north side of their house and it does very well with good color. Another great full sun choice is Tamukeyama and red filigree lace holds its color well in shade (if you are looking for red lace leafs).
  5. kaydye

    kaydye Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Live in Mapleton, Illinois, zone 5
    I have had both for years. My Garnet (which I have had since 1997) is in morning sun until some time after noon. It stays pretty red, then gets bronzy later in the season. My Crimsom Queen suffered a lot of scorch when I lost a large oak and it got much more sun. I have been battling the bark issue for about 3 years, trying to get branches to grow over the area that is protesting too much sun. I finally planted clematis at the base to grow up through the tree to cover this area. It stays pretty red most of the year, so I would agree with the others that shade makes them go green. Oh, both of mine are in the ground and always have been. Hope that helps. By the way, my Garnet is like the "beast that devoured Cleveland" it has gotten so large. Not tall, but horizontally. It's about 5' tall, but the diameter is probably 20 or more feet and it keeps on growing. I have had to move paths, plants out of the way of its growth. I love it:)
  6. esm

    esm Member

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    Knoxville, TN
    Hey guys thanks so much for the advice! I have the Garnet in the sunnier spot and the Crimson Queen in the shadier. Both look like they are doing fine! I had some sun burning on the Crimson last year and I think this new location will prevent that. The Crimson is getting some green but that's OK I will live with it, the Garnet is maintaining it's deep red....and I have to agree with what everyone here has experienced, my Garnet is HUGE horizontally for its age compared to the Crimson! I'd post pics but not sure if the forums will let me since I'm new...

    Kaydye very cool idea with clematis at the base. I love those vines and the bright purple flowers. I have two in my backyard as well but they are trained up fenceposts.
  7. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
  8. rwinktown

    rwinktown Active Member

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    iam in washington and my crimson queen gets full sun with no burn and good color, my dad has a garnet in part sun that is doing well

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