ADVANCE NOTIFICATION - Upcoming Plant Sale Saturday May 18

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by pmurphy, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    The Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society (PNWP&EPS) will be holding their Annual Plant Sale on Saturday May 18th. So if you are looking to add a little "tropical flair" to your garden, be sure to mark your calendars!
    You can come on by for a browse or a chat as there will be members on site at that time to provide you with information on the care of exotics in your garden.

    Date of Sale: Saturday May 18th, 2019
    Time of Sale: 9:00AM
    Location of Sale: 3380 No. 6 Rd, Richmond, in the parking lot of Phoenix Perennials & Specialty Plants

    ** More information will follow as necessary regarding the variety of plants available **

    The Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society (PNWP&EPS) is a non-profit chapter of the International Palm Society. They are dedicated to the successful cultivation of palms and other exotic plants outdoors in British Columbia, Washington and Oregon.

    If you would like to join the Society you can do so here: PNWPEPS: Join Us!
    If you have questions about the advantages to becoming a member please contact:
  2. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Sunday April 14th, UPDATE!

    The following is a list of just some of the exotic but hardy plants that will be available during the upcoming sale on May 18th:

    Pawpaws, including Mango, NC-1, Pennsylvanian Gold and Sunflower
    Kiwi Actinidia deliciosa
    Tea Trees, both chinese and korean varieties
    Persimmon, including Saijo, Sweet Fuyu and Early Jiro
    Pineapple Lily Eucomis bicolor
    Pineapple Guava Feijoa sellowians
    Desert King Fig
    Several varieties of Ginger
    Everbearing Mulberry Morus nigra
    Chilean Guava Ugni molinae
    Jujube Ziziphus jujuba 'Li'
    There will also be several varieties of Olive, Avocado, Pomegranate and Pepper Trees on site.

    ** A very limited quantity of unsexed AU Gold Kiwi Actinidia chinensis rooted cuttings will also be available; this variety in not available anywhere! **

    A list of available palm trees will be following in the next week as well as information on Yucca Rostrata availability
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2019
    Daniel Mosquin likes this.
  3. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Sunday April 21st, UPDATE!

    Palms available during the upcoming Plant Sale on May 18th will include:

    Trachycarpus Wagnerianus - Miniature Chusan Palm aka "Waggie" Palm
    T. Wagnerianus hybrids
    Parajubaea Torallii
    - Bolivian Mountain Coconut
    Jubaea Chilensis - Chilean Wine Palm

    And don't forget there will also be available for purchase a mixture of seeds and plants donated by Society members that will range from unusual annual seedlings such pink and blue Ornamental Ipomoea Morning Glory (stress the "annual" on this one) and edible Kaho Watermelon, to 1-gallon pots of cold hardy oddities such as Syneilesis Aconitifolia (shredded umbrella plant) and Acanthus Mollis (bear's breeches). And seeds ranging from the odd but tasty 'Santa Claus' melon to the beautiful 'Danish Flag' Poppy - papaver somniferum.

    So please join us on Saturday May 18th in the parking lot of Phoenix Perennial & Specialty Plants located at 3380 No. 6 Rd, Richmond.
    Hope to see you there!
  4. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Monday April 22, UPDATE!

    Additional palms are being added for the sale and will include:

    Trachycarpus Manipur - Indian Windmill Palm
    T. Oreophilus - Thailand Windmill Palm
    T. Fortunei var Wagnerianus - Windmill x "Waggie" Hybrid
    T. Fortunei (long leaf selection) - Windmill Palm
    Chamaerops Humilis - Mediterranean Fan Palm
    Rapidophyllum Hystrix - Needle Palm
    Butia Odorata - Jelly Palm

    So if you're looking for a palm tree this is definitely the place to be as you will not find this selection anywhere else!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
  5. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Thursday May 2nd, FINAL UPDATE!

    It has just been confirmed that a limited supply of YUCCA ROSTRATA will be available during the May 18th sale. Unfortunately the plants themselves will not be arriving in time to be on site for the sale but they will be made available through pre-sales for those interested in acquiring this beautiful and hard to find plant.

    The expected plants will be
    24 - 30" in height and an estimated price of $130 - $140 each (4ft specimens of this plant have sold for over $600)

    The Yucca Rostrata, also known as the Big Bend or Beaked Yucca, is a tree-like type of yucca with blue-green, lance-shaped leaves and tall bell-shaped blooms that rise above the plant in summer. Although they are slow growing they will eventually reach heights of 11 to 15 feet. These plants are adaptable to light shade but perform best in full sunlight and they can also withstand extremely hot weather. Although proven here in Vancouver, it is important to locate them in well-drained soil to prevent rot during the winter months.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  6. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Thank you to everyone who turned out for the sale!
    The weather was great and we all had a wonderful time talking and exchanging growing tips for our favorite plants.

    Hope to see you all again next year.

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