Adenium Red, White or Pink?

Discussion in 'Caudiciforms and Pachycaul Trees' started by Chungii V, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    I've finally started seeing flower on my Adenium. The red and white are A. obesum the pink is A. arabicum. I've been growing these for a couple of years now and am glad they've actually turned out the colour they were supposed to be.
    I have grown some Adenium from seed I bought last year and they are doing very well. I have 40 plants out of 50 seeds after 11 mths... not too shabby. A couple are starting to flower already!
    I would like to start crossing my own colours to see what hybrids I can produce.
    I know these plants like to cross-pollinate but was wondering when the is best time to do so?
    Do I attack the flowers as soon as they open? They used to set seed very happily, in the Nursery I worked, by themselves jammed up on beds together. I've never really worried about trying to force pollination. Any suggestions or advice is appreciated.

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  2. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    I started collecting the various species of Adenium the past few years. My A. multiflorum really grew this year since I transplanted it into a large pot and it flowered continuously from March until September. The caudex more than tripled in size over the summer. Most of the others are small seedlings yet. Interestingly, my A. somalense is about ready to bloom and is going strong while all my others are obviously entering their Fall/Winter rest period. I am still learning myself.

    At any rate, one of the most complete references on the internet would be Tropica Nursery's site Very good information on just about anything Adenium.
  3. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    They also have a huge write up on Euphorbia milii and it's cultivars... now I can work on developing some of these too (like my spotted pink I've picked up along the way? It's starts as a full pale pink flower!) Great help thanks.
    I saw some of your Pachypodium photos and have a few of my own I might post over the coming weeks. Not all of mine have flowered yet. Do you have any good website suggestions for info on these because it seems most places I look only have a very small amount of info and normally it's just the common varieties that get a mention?

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  4. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Pachypodium resources on the web...check out the top of the main Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree page. We have a few culture guides from some notable specialty nurseries.

    Personally, I have obtained two excellent reference books from the author Philippe de Vosjoli. The first one, Pachyforms...A Guide to Growing Pachycaul and Caudiciform Plants and the second one, Pachyforms II...Bonsai Succulents by Philippe de Vosjoli and Rudy Lime. I have found these to produced in low numbers and not every on-line book source has them in stock. I actually found these books on a specialty nursery website.


    P.S. If you type in "Pachyforms" on your web search, you will find several sources for these books. However, I was shocked at the current price of these books. I paid about $35 for one and about $65 for the other...most prices are significantly higher at this time.
  5. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Thanks for advice. I was thinking I might have to hunt down a decent book. Haven't had much problem with growing these guys just would be nice to find a decent write up on the plants I've got. I'm sure I could squeeze another book on the shelf.
  6. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Here's an updated photo of the white which seems to be very prolific.

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