Adenium Problem

Discussion in 'Caudiciforms and Pachycaul Trees' started by Rick53, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Rick53

    Rick53 Member

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    Roseburg Oregon
    I noticed one of my Desert Rose plant base is starting to get soft, I assume that I have over watered it. Do I cut the existing limbs, and let them dry and replant, leave it alone and let nature take its course. I have 4 of these plants and have no idea on how to take care of them. I do have a Plumeria which I understand is similar.
    Thanks for any advise
  2. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    The caudex/base of these plants will get soft if there is drought, and it can get soft if there is disease. If the soil has been wet for several days, with or without leaf drop, then there is a problem with the roots. At this time of year, they should not be dormant, just yet. If the soil has been wet for several days, and you suspect disease, then pull the plant and examine the roots. Let the roots dry out for a few hours, clip off any diseased roots, dust with a rooting hormone, and repot in VERY loose mix (generous perlite, vermiculite, bonsai soil, pumice,...whatever you can get your hands on). If you choose to use potting soil, limit it to about 10% of the mix. Let the roots sit dry in the new soil mix for about 5-7 days before lightly watering.

    As far as web resouces for your Adenium. If you look in the Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree Photo Gallery under "Desert Rose", you will find a photo of one of my plants, as well as 4 different web links that will give you all the information, and more, on Adeniums. I would suggest reading these before doing anything though.


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