Hi there: I got an Adenium obesum a couple of months ago. I've heard they are tricky. It's forming lots of buds for blooms, which grow and then whither away before opening. I have it in a south window, water thoroughly and then allow to dry. I've tried misting it daily, which it seems to like, but those cherished buds drop before opening. I've also fertilized with 1/4 strength high phosphorus fertilizer to help the blooms along. It is happy otherwise, sending out lots of leaves and sprouting new branches from the trunk, so I am stumped. Is it just too far away from home to do well in Victoria BC? Any ideas?
Hello Chester, Here is a link describing problems with associated with Adenium. The article states that calcium, boron or copper deficiency may be the cause of bud drop. Overhead watering can cause the buds to rot. I would be cautious about misting the plant. I do not think that it is necessary. It is difficult to say what the problem is. The only way to know of any nutrient deficiences is to have the soil tested, although I am not sure how practical that is for the cost. Raakel