If i don't like the cultivar after growing it on for a few seasons i can pass it on to someone else. It's a risk worth taking when purchasing young grafts which are cheap. Some of the variegates will be plain with no variegation some seasons, or maybe the variegation is not evident until the second summer flush of growth so its worth evaluating a plant for a few years before making a final decision. I am posting pictures of some of the non reds, although there are a few pinks.
I did not realize by inserting the thumbnails, the image title is not displayed. However the file name and hence cultivar is shown in the file properties. Here are some more.
I think the only way I can describe them is they have a sort of zingy freshness! If you like the greens which I do, apart from the Aoyagi it's as green as you can get. A description from one of the nurseries used the word lush twice. To be honest I've not seen a fully grown one as they think they are relatively new and I've read varying heights attributed to them from 6' to 15' I'm planting two in my garden. I'll get back to you in...10 years?
They all are amazing and I have loved seeing the large orange dream. It looks beautiful. I may plant one out.
I will post a few more when time allows. I find orange dream full of vigour, it's in shade and loves the location.