We are a new development and the present landscaper is telling us that these trees can be kept pruned to 20-25 feet to maintain our views. They are about 12 feet tall at present. Is this possible to do and maintain the look and health of the trees. Osoyoos BC area.
Well, preface this by saying that I'm not an arborist. It seems to me that if 20' to 25' is the maximum height permissible to maintain your views, the sensible thing to do would be to plant something that roughly grows to that height, instead of "‘Karpick’ is a male cultivar that is noted for its narrow form. It grows to 40-50’ tall but only to 20’ wide." For some reference information, see: http://www.plantamnesty.org/assets/docs/Cyberlibrary/Trees/my tree is too big.pdf From my understanding, pruning is generally not used to control height. Topping can be done, but it is, in a word, ugly, and not healthy for most trees.
Tuank you. The reference gives me some backing when I approach the landscaping company and the Board of Directors.