On a recent visit to New Zealand, my wife and I were very taken with the Acer 'Esk Sunset' which I understand is generally referred to as 'Eskimo Sunset' in North America. We have enquired at local nurseries in the Victoria area, but have drawn a total blank. An internet search indicates that it is available in Washington, so presumably can be grown in our area. I would be interested to hear if anyone knows of a source in BC.
Others here are aware of the error and call it 'Esk Sunset'. If nobody has imported it into Canada then you won't, in fact be able to buy it there.
Joys of boarders. I have atleast 10 of them and just a couple hours away. All of them are too big to hide in a car. It is a great tree so it is worth the hunt I will ask my supplier if they have someone near you who they have sold them to
In the past Japanese maples were being trucked down here from the Lower Mainland and supplied to local retailers, but in your case it is a matter of what can be sent up there from here at the present time. If you don't find the tree up there.
I called Buchholz and they gave me a name and number of a nursery up in BC that might have one. I called and they did. the nursery is Triple Tree Nurseryland. They are in Maple Ridge. their number is 604-465-9313 They probably have it labled as Eskimo sunset. Wrong or right name it is easier to remember and sell charlie